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  • Status
    • Production
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  • Rating
    • Industrial
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  • Feature
    • /
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  • CH
    • 1
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  • VDD (V)
    • 4.5~5.5
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  • IQ (mA, Max)
    • 10
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  • Input Current Range
    • 1nA to 10mA
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  • Logarithmic Slope(mV/dec, Typ.)
    • 200
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  • Law Conformance Error (dB, Max.)
    • 0.25 at Input>10nA
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  • Package
    • QFN3X3-16
    • SOP14
    • TSSOP14
    • TSSOP14、QFN3X3-16
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  • Part Number
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  • ECAD Model
  • Status
    • Production

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  • Rating
    • Industrial

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  • Feature
    • /

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  • CH
    • 1

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  • VDD (V)
    • 4.5~5.5

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  • IQ (mA, Max)
    • 10

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  • Input Current Range
    • 1nA to 10mA

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  • Logarithmic Slope(mV/dec, Typ.)
    • 200

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  • Law Conformance Error (dB, Max.)
    • 0.25 at Input>10nA

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  • Package
    • QFN3X3-16
    • SOP14
    • TSSOP14
    • TSSOP14、QFN3X3-16

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  • Industrial





    1nA to 10mA


    0.25 at Input>10nA

