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3PEAK Honored as "Innovative Electronics Industry Enterprise" with Six Automotive Products Included in the "Domestic Automotive Chip Reliability Classification Catalog"!


AEIF 2023 Automotive Electronics Innovation and Application Conference was successfully held in Wuxi. With the theme of "Integration and Innovation, Reconstructing the Automotive Electronics Product Chain," the conference focused on the ecosystem development of the intelligent automotive industry, and shared innovative automotive technology applications.3PEAK (stock code: 688536), which focuses on the innovation and R&D of automotive electronics and is committed to becoming a leader in analog chips and embedded processors, showcased its full range of automotive electronics products and application solutions at AEIF 2023.At the Automotive Innovation Forum, Mr. You Jiayuan, 3PEAK Business Development Manager, delivered a speech and shared 3PEAK's latest automotive products with the automotive and parts manufacturers.


Awarded "Innovative Automotive Electronics Enterprise"

To encourage outstanding automotive chip enterprises, the Automotive Modernization Management Branch of the China Society of Automotive Engineers, the China Integrated Circuit Design Innovation Alliance, and the Shanghai Society of Automotive Engineers established the award of "Innovative Automotive Electronics Enterprises." 3PEAK won the award by virtue of its outstanding product performance and innovative design capability.


Included in the "Domestic Automotive Chip Reliability Classification Catalog"

The "Domestic Automotive Chip Reliability Classification Catalog 2023," jointly compiled by a number of organizations, was released at the conference. It includes 228 products from 77 automotive chip companies. Six automotive products from 3PEAK were included in the catalog, which are the BMS device: TPM27524Q-SO1R-S, interface chips TPT1042xQ, TPT1051xQ, TPT1043Q, and TPT1145xQ, as well as the converter TPC5120Q-TS7R-S.
